

SEO blog: Understanding Its Meaning and Exploring Examples(part 1)

SEO (search engine optimization) is a collection of operations aimed at increasing a website’s exposure in search engines such as Google, with the purpose of generating organic traffic. SEO is about meeting consumers’ search needs by producing relevant, high-quality content and giving the greatest possible user experience.

Why SEO is Important?

Every day, billions of Google users search for information and goods. It’s no surprise that search engines are one of the most popular traffic sources for websites.
To capitalize on this traffic source’s potential, you must rank in the top search results for your chosen keywords.
The correlation is straightforward: the higher you rank, the more people will visit your page.
The top organic result is 10 times more likely to attract a click than a page ranked in position 10.Search engine optimization is essential for enhancing your ranking places. Better rankings result in more traffic. More traffic means additional customers and increased brand recognition.
In other words, ignoring SEO would imply ignoring one of the most essential traffic sources and leaving that sector entirely to your competitors.

How Search Engines Operate?

Google isn’t the only search engine. However, it is by far the most popular one. That is why we most commonly refer to Google when discussing search engines. Furthermore, SEO fundamentals are quite consistent across most search engines.
The ultimate purpose of every search engine is to make users satisfied with the results they find. To accomplish this, search engines must find the finest pages. And show them as the top search results. The steps Google takes to locate and priorities content are as follows:        

Crawling: Google searches the internet for new or updated pages using computer programs known as “bots.” A page needs to have at least one link pointing to it in order for Google to find it.

  • As a website owner, it is your responsibility to assist search engines in indexing and crawling every page on your website that you desire. (And none of those you choose not to.)
  • Technical SEO is the term used to describe a variety of actions and best practices that you may implement to guarantee that your pages are crawlable and indexable.
  • You now know how Google finds and sorts pages, so let’s look more closely at how the top results are chosen. and how SEO fits into this process.

Indexing: After that, Google examines every page to determine the general topic of the page. The Google Index, a massive database of webpages, is where it might then keep this information.
delivering outcomes: Google ranks the highest-quality and most relevant pages in the search engine results page (SERP) when a user types in a query.

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